Announcing: Institute Webcasts!
For years we've resisted alternatives to face-to-face learning sessions for one primary reason: in many cases, they just don't work! Too often teleseminars and webcasts are conducted in a way that people just don't learn effectively. Too many people, too little interaction. Too much benefit for the provider of training. Too little for the learner.
Until now.
Today we're announcing an alternative that works. We have successfully piloted our webcasts and have overwhelmingly found that many of our workshops can be effectively delivered using our state-of-the-art web conferencing tools in a way that people actually learn.
Have more work to do than time to do it? Struggle with e-mail overload? Want to improve your project management practices? Know an administrative assistant who wants to rachet up their skills? Want more balance in your life?
If you answered Yes to any of the above but don't have time to sit through a traditional training class, I cordially invite you to browse our webcasts overview. Please join us for an upcoming session!
Click here for details.
posted by Andy at 5:00 PM