How the Conflict in the Taxi Ended

In a
recent newsletter I related a true story of conflict that happened in a taxi on a cold night in Boston. If you haven’t read the story,
click here to read it before continuing (it takes 2 minutes or less).
So, how did I respond when the driver spewed, “No! You said Hampton Inn at the airport!”
I first took a deep breath to keep from lashing out. After all, my family was in the backseat and it was important that I not do anything that puts them in danger. I knew that more than my (now nervous) wife was in the back seat. Three little ones were watching what Dad was going to model.
I looked into the driver's eyes, replied firmly but respectfully, “No, I said Monsignor O’Brien Highway. Take us to the Hampton Inn on Monsignor O’Brien Highway, now.”
He wasn’t happy but he did take the next right turn. We were suddenly in a dark, rough looking neighborhood that I’m sure didn’t do much to settle my wife’s nerves!
I pulled out my cell phone and called our hotel. In a voice loud enough to make sure the driver heard, I asked the front desk approximately how expensive a taxi fare from our origination to the hotel should cost. I repeated the answer out loud, “Did you say $15? Thank you.”
The taxi fare was already over $20, with at least 10 minutes to go.
As if I thought he hadn’t heard me (you never know with this driver!), I calmly but firmly told him, “I will be paying you $15 for this trip.” I didn’t have to speak his language to understand the essence of what was said under his breath.
I didn’t respond.
We were never so happy to see a Hampton Inn. The family poured out of the backseat with a collective sigh.
The driver knew he wouldn’t get his $35 taxi. Much to his surprise, I pulled out a $20 bill and told him to keep the change. A bit stunned, he responded, “I’m sorry for the mistake.”
Not all conflict ends quite this amicably. Enjoy it when it does. Though I don’t naturally use a
Competing conflict style often, a controlled version of it worked in this case, followed by a
Compromising pay out at the end.
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Beyond the Rock and the Hard Place can be delivered in a keynote, workshop, or e-learning formats.
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Labels: Beyond the Rock and the Hard Place, conflict, crisis, influence, leadership
posted by Andy at 11:57 AM
It would be interesting to ask how you would have responded if the t axi driver continued to be abusive.
I did like the phone call to the hotel. Great lateral thinking..