You Don't Have Time To Read This!

Doesn't it seem that way? There just doesn't seem to be the time to do the things you need to do.... Even for the really important stuff like investing in your own skills.
My executive coaching clients regularly express a frustration that could be summarized as, "I just don't have enough time."
7 Signs of Poor Productivity" concisely shares some good pointers if you're feeling time challenged today.
We recently finished a major update to our keynote entitled
Beyond Time Management: 5 Keys To Getting More Done with Less Stress. In this fast-paced, entertaining session I share 5 keys to help you and your organization get more done with less stress. Based on our work with leaders and organizations around the world, I share practical ideas that go beyond typical time management concepts. You will leave with specific, practical actions you can start using right away to help you and your teams get focused, take action, and deliver results.
Contact us today to add this keynote to an upcoming company or department meeting!
Labels: executives, keynotes, leadership, time management
posted by Andy at 8:22 AM