Be a Guest on my Podcast! Tell me: What Are You Thankful For?

So, what are you thankful for?
Many countries celebrate a holiday similar to Thanksgiving, which is observed this month in the United States.
Each year there is research that reinforces that being thankful--having a spirit of gratitude--has enormous benefits, from helping you be happier to even living longer.
How about going on record with what you're thankful for this year?
This year we're opening up the phone lines for you! Regardless of where you live, whether in the U.S. or abroad, just call us at (847) 579-9174. Leave your name (first name only is fine) and where you live, then tell us what you're thankful for this year. We'll include your contribution in our People and Projects Podcast episode that will come out the week of Thanksgiving.
It's not too difficult to find things to be upset or worried about these days. So let's hear from you what you're thankful for! Call us toll-free at 866-884-5323 and tell the world what you're thankful for!
Everyone who participates by Friday, November 20, gets a free 30-day license to my e-learning module on risk management. It's my way of saying.... Thanks!
IMPORTANT: If you want the e-learning license, make sure to leave your e-mail address in the message as well. We will edit out the e-mail address so it doesn't show up in the podcast but will use it to give you the free access to the e-learning.
It only takes a minute! Give me a call toll-free at 866-884-5323 to participate!
Labels: appreciation, podcast, World of Thanks
posted by Andy at 9:45 AM