14 hours of flying? No problem!
Seriously. 14 hours sounds like a long time but the blessing of sitting together, a great entertainment system, excellent Qantas service, and, um, a great entertainment system made it... fly by!
Speaking of entertainment systems, this 747-400 was decked with movies on demand and games. No worries about mom having to lose hair over what was being shown on a big screen to the entire cabin! Nope! We could watch what we wanted when we wanted. Sleep? No way! It's time for another episode of Hoodwinked!

After passing over the International Date Line, we fast forwarded into Friday and eventually arrived in Sydney around 8:45pm. The kids learned that "Customs" is a word which means "wait in long lines".
Once getting the Australia stamp on our passports, we gathered luggage and headed to the Tourist bureau to get a room. We didn't have a reservation because we had thought we'd be coming in on a later flight, then heading directly to Perth. It was now too late for such a flight and, in reality, our airplane seat weary rears were ready to conform to a bed of any size.
Getting a room was more difficult than we thought because of the Australian Football finals going on. We assumed that meant soccer but we assumed incorrectly. It's a rather whacky game from an American perspective. It seems one part football (as we know it), and three parts rugby. The country is obssessed with the sport and filled up nearly every hotel in town to watch such gripping matches as the Fremantle Dockers vs. Sydney Swans. Once we arrived at the Novotel Brighton Beach (around 10:30pm), we turned on the game and found it difficult to turn off! It truly is a fun game!
Lights went out around 11:15pm or so and they'll need to go on around 5:45am. This was an exciting day of great memories and answered prayers that we'll not soon forget.
Dave and I think Barrett's mug looks a bit more natural than yours. It was definitely a tough choice.
Another hurting belly laugh with these pictures....oh my!
6:53 PM
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