The Longest Day
The alarm went off at 3:30am this morning. We were reasonably packed last night but there's always the last second things found under the bed or a pile of brochures. The kids woke up reasonably well, which was a blessing. We were on the road by 4:30am heading to the Cairns airport, watching our first sunrise as we waited to find out if we would all get on the flight.
Once again we were blessed with all of us getting on the same plane. This particular trip had us a bit strewn throughout the plane but were glad to be on together. I was able to trade my seat for one next to Christa. Z had a middle seat next to some professional skier and B had a middle seat next to a guy who looked like Einstein!
The flight arrived in Sydney on time around 9:00am, giving us a fair amount of sit time before our leg to LAX was scheduled to depart at 1:25pm. Though our flight to the States had 45 seats available, they weren’t able to release any to Sara and the kids due to some weight restrictions on the flight. Turns out airlines can make more money on cargo than non-revvers so we had to wait out the decision until 12:30pm.

The 13 hours over the Pacific are a bit of a blur. The entertainment consoles weren’t as advanced as our trip to Australia but that didn’t keep us from watching our fill of movies. The kids enjoyed Over the Hedge (a couple of times). Christa and Zachary probably got 3-4 hours of sleep, with Barrett getting a little less. The Qantas food and service were again outstanding compared to U.S.-based carriers. Truthfully, bread and water would have been enough for us to get on together, so everything was frosting beyond that.
Perhaps the most surreal experience was seeing the sunrise and sunset for Thursday, October 5 twice! Thanks to the International Date Line, this was undoubtedly the longest day we have lived thus far!
We arrived in Los Angeles around 9:45am. Praise be to God, we got the absolute last seats on the flight to Chicago, with Sara covering on the jumpseat (not a pleasant way to end a day of 20+ hours of flying but once again we were glad to be together). The kids were cashed out nearly the entire trip to Chicago, finally giving in to the effects of flying halfway around the world in a day.
We arrived home around 8:30pm and were blessed with a dinner and some groceries by our friends and neighbors the Carollo’s. Some of the Svendsen's dropped by as well. We are so thankful for the many blessings and things learned during this trip. And most decidedly, we are thankful to be home.
What a wild and wonderful Fall Adventure!