Killer Whale Sized Opportunities to Teach and Learn
What can you learn from "the new guy?"
I've been enjoying Andy Jordan's blog on the
People Side of Project Management. In a
recent posting he talks about interacting with "the new guy" and how we can not only help them as mentors but that we can also learn from them in the process.
In Amy Sutherland's book
What Shamu Taught Me About Life, Love, and Marriage she relates that killer whale trainers remember that "every interaction is training." (
click here for a post I made about this book). Every time trainers interact with
Shamu they are teaching, whether they realize it or not. Both
Shamu and the trainers are learning about what is expected, how to treat each other, consequences for actions, etc.
I'm convinced that I miss killer whale-sized opportunities to learn each day because I'm not sufficiently paying attention. But when I do, those lessons can be more valuable than an expensive weeklong workshop.
I remember when I finally
got that the dirty little secret of business is that it's all done on relationships. Previously I wanted to believe that
the smartest one wins. Or that
the best argument wins. Or that
filling out the "right" paperwork and following the "right" process was the secret to successfully delivering projects.
But through the gift of a couple great mentors who modeled the secret of building relationships, I've been able to navigate situations that would have left me as
Shamu Chow years before!
Our interactions with the new guy (and the old guys!) are modeling how to look at the world of projects and business and people in a potentially different way. May we all be forces for good as we teach (and have our eyes and minds wide open as we observe).
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Labels: leadership, learning, listening, managing up, mistakes, project management, project sponsors, teambuilding
posted by Andy at 1:46 PM