![]() A leadership development resource from the Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development Inc. |
Volume VII Number 4 On the Horizon This Issue: How to Say "No" (Without Saying "No" )When the boss wants you to deliver in a timeframe that seems unrealistic, what's the best way to respond?
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Card Corner: How About Another
Income Stream?
[Saying "No"] [Fast Track] [Card Corner] [The Institute Online] |
How to Say "No" (Without Saying "No") by Andy Kaufman
Estimated reading time: <2 minutes We have all been there before. Your boss (or customer) demands that you deliver their request in significantly less time than you think it will take. Fred Brooks said it well: “It is very difficult to make a vigorous, plausible, and job-risking defense of an estimate that is derived by no quantitative method, supported by little data, and certified chiefly by the hunches of the managers.” Do you speak up and seemingly risk your job by being the “No” person? Or do you give in, resigning to the reality that this is a game you cannot win? |
"Do you speak up and seemingly risk your job by being the 'No' person? Or do you give in, resigning to the reality that this is a game you cannot win?" |
In your job today, what do you do when you are in this situation? One of the key skills that leaders must develop is their ability to influence. But how do you influence someone who doesn’t seem all that interested in what they consider excuses? They just want it finished in the decreed timeframe. |
A CIO friend told me this: “I teach my people to never say ‘No’. Instead,
we say, “Yes, but….” Another senior executive I know says it slightly
differently: “I don’t say ‘No’, I say, “Choose.”
There may be times when you actually have to say “No.” But “Yes, but” and “Choose” are powerfully effective means to reframe situations where you are facing unrealistic expectations. A recent workshop participant named Terry headed home after a day of learning where this topic was discussed. Late in the evening Terry received a call from his boss who told him some additional scope was required on another project Terry was juggling. Terry decided to give “Yes, but” a try. “Yes, we can do that, but it will have an impact on the current project I’m working on. Though I don’t know for sure, my best guess is that it will delay our current project by around 2 weeks.” Silence. Terry told me he wondered how the boss would reply. The reply came. “Hmm…. That’s a problem. Let me go back and see if I can get this pushed out to the next release. Have a great night.”
When you are faced with daunting demands, make sure you do your homework. Look for options to make the boss’ request possible. When in doubt, error on the side of business needs instead of what’s easiest for you or your team. Bring your options to the decision-maker, along with a recommendation. (NOTE: I have learned it's best to come armed with a recommendation, making it less likely they will select an option that you do not prefer!). Whether you use “Yes, but” or “Choose”, you demonstrate that you understand their request and are not immediately discounting it. In addition, you are showing ownership by bringing options to the table. The “No” person doesn’t do that: they are just a wall of resistance. Being the “No” person isn’t sustainable at most organizations these days. Taking Action Here are my recommendations for you:
Andy Kaufman Speaker, Author, Consultant President, Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development Inc. |
Accelerate Your Ability To Lead Our Leadership Fast Track Program is designed for business professionals who want to accelerate their ability to lead their teams, influence others, and deliver results. We will turbo charge your ability to lead with confidence, take focused action, and achieve the results you desire. Do you have to increasingly influence without authority? Do you have more work to do than time to do it? Do you need to find ways to get your team more engaged and develop the people around you?
The Leadership Fast Track Program is designed to accelerate your ability to handle these and many more realities of today's business environment.
As a subscriber to Horizon Time, you can save even more than the already reduced Early Bird Registration fee. Click here to learn more!
Card Corner: How About Another Income Stream? Each month I am amazed at the feedback I get from people who have received cards from me. Something as simple as a card, in this day in age, helps you stand out from the crowd, whether with colleagues, customers, friends, or family.
The model is very straightforward. If you sign-up as an Entrepreneur with Send Out Cards, you earn commissions when others in your circle of influence sign up. Plus you get a percentage of what they spend on a monthly basis in cards. I'm guessing you know some business owners such as realtors, consultants, salespeople, and more who could use an edge in building their businesses. I have clients who are churches, corporate executives, and fundraisers, and they are all using the system to build deeper relationships with people they serve. My goal is to help them get their marketing paid for by using this system. I'm not personally planning on buying a Swiss chalet with my earnings from Send Out Cards, but after only a year my cards are paid for by other people (and I send a lot of cards!). My goal is to have it eventually pay for our mortgage each month. Want to at least check it out? Join me for a free walkthrough of the system via a web conference: Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 Time: 7:30pm Central Daylight Savings Time Click here to register today. I look forward to meeting you! |
Stay in Touch! Horizon Time is written by Andy Kaufman and is available via e-mail or on the Web for all who register. You are invited to forward this to anyone interested in growing their leadership skills!
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For more information on Andy Kaufman and the Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development Inc., please visit our web site.
You can contact Andy by phone toll-free at (866) 88 I-LEAD (866-884-5323), or by e-mail at andy@i-leadonline.com.
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