Why Social Networking Matters

A common theme across my executive coaching clients is related to networking. Often it comes down to the sense there's not enough time to network.
"Nice idea but I'm too busy!"
But when I, as a coach, push back on this bias, here's what I find: It's not a time issue. Rather, it's a perception issue. We prioritize those things that we perceive will provide the best return for our attention.
Bottom-line: networking is often not perceived as sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time.
Social networking tools provide a technology to facilitate networking. But what are some ways to use these most effectively? How can I make sure I don't waste my time with them? This podcast discusses strategies to help you more actively leverage the power of social networking to enhance your career and improve your ability to lead and deliver.
If you're listening to this prior to January 29, 2009, please join us for the free webcast entitled
It's All About Relationships: Strategies for Leveraging Social Networking.
Also, this podcast refers to a special discount for our Horizon Time newsletter and podcast subscribers. You can get $50 USD off our e-learning on managing conflict by using a Coupon Code of ROCK-50OFF.
Click here to learn more about our e-learning on managing conflict named
Beyond the Rock and the Hard Place: How to Manage Conflict More Effectively.
Episode 1: Why Social Networking MattersLabels: conflict, podcast, relationships, social networking
posted by Andy at 8:40 AM
As a photographer and small business owner, I can't tell you how important relationships and social networking has improved my bottom line. This podcast was a great reminder to take the time to enhance my business even further using the powerful yet simple tools that technology has to offer!
I'm off to facebook and Twitter now to tell others about this! Thanks Andy!
Shelby Studios Photography
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