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Consulting Services

"The primary reasons we engaged you were (1) our lack of experience with conducting retrospectives and (2) your facilitation skills. You exceeded our expectations in providing us with a valuable process improvement tool in the form of a retrospective. Your facilitation skills and software development experience also made a significant contribution.  You were incredibly well prepared. The participants and I were impressed with your understanding of our projects, organization and issues. Your knowledge was very valuable in making the most of our retrospectives."  Stephanie Black, Vice President, PPC


Project Retrospectives

Increasingly organizations are bringing me in to do project retrospectives (some times called post-mortems or post-project reviews).  Project retrospectives are a great way to glean important learning from the past to help you repeat what went well and mitigate what didn't.  The project retrospective meeting facilitation process we use works great for all types of projects, including those that seem politically charged or too volatile to dive into!  The benefits of having a project retrospective are so positive!  Contact me today via e-mail to learn more how we can help! 

Click here to review our Project Retrospective Overview Brochure.

Meeting Facilitation


"I would like to thank you for the expertise and energy you brought to the [project name withheld] offsite meeting last week. We have received glowing feedback about your positive impact and facilitation of the meeting. We look forward to future collaborations."

Pharmaceutical company executive


The Institute provides other excellent meeting facilitation services. If you have an important meeting coming up and would like to help ensure its success by using a skilled, knowledgeable facilitator, please contact me for more information. We understand that effective meeting planning takes time.  With deep experience in the process of planning excellent meetings, Contact us today via e-mail to help save you time and ensure achieving your meeting objectives!


Project Management

Training isn't the only way to improve your organization's ability to deliver projects more reliably.  The Institute can build your project competence through coaching project managers, helping your executives understand their role as sponsors, working with you to develop your methodologies.  Though we prefer to grow your project management skills rather than perform them ourselves (teaching you how to fish instead of doing the fishing), we will on occasion take on project manager roles on a consulting basis.


Leadership Development

Clients have found it valuable to use the Institute to help mentor key team members on skills such as personal organization, presentation skills, meeting facilitation, and leadership development.  We fundamentally believe that skills such as these only develop over time and are best learned when modeled for others to see. In a world where getting a focused mentor can be challenging, engaging a consultant from the Institute is a great way to truly jumpstart the personal and professional growth that you may be desiring. 


Often our Leadership Development engagements include the use of the CPI 260(tm) instrument and/or the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI).


Please take the next step of contacting us via e-mail or calling 847.579.9174 to find out more about how the Institute can help you get what you want.


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