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  HomeWorld of Thanks Responses

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"What are you thankful for?"


Sharon Manker, Philadelphia, PA
Change in America; Confirmation of Dreams realized; My Family; My Life; My health; My strength; My Husband; My Baby due in March 09; My Friends; My Job;

Carol Heitkamp, Lebanon, OH
I am thankful for the health and financial stability of my family in these difficult times when so many families are struggling.

Tommy D. (as you used to call me :-), Des Plaines, IL USA
The small things in life. - sunny Days - a Childs hug - a warm smile from a stranger - an unexpected gesture - connecting with an old friend - etc.

Tina Allen, Phoenix, AZ
I'm thankful for my family and friends. For a faith that is secure in a God who loves me and is sovereign. I'm grateful for this country that can endure so much transition and change and still be peaceful and grateful.

Brian, Wauconda, IL, USA
I am thankful that God has shown mercy to me - a sinner. And, that He sent his only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

Alex, USA
I am cancer free after radiation treatments. I am blessed.

Karen Rabbitt, Urbana, Illinois, USA
This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for apricots and apples, bears and balloons, cauliflower and cotton. I thank God for deals and daffodils, egrets and effusiveness, and "faultless to stand before the throne."I could go on--from Goodness to Zebras. And beyond everything else, I'm always thankful for Jesus, Risen.

Erika Chiuhan, Debrecen, Hungary
I'm very thankful for getting so many chances in my work this year to prove my talents and for having met special persons who share my way of thinkikng. Thanks!

Margie, Louisville, KY
I'm thankful that I have a grateful heart. I am not sure how it happened yet I'm thankful I tend to see the best in people and situations. I am thankful for my health and my job which this year has allowed me to focus more on giving to others than getting for myself. I'm thankful you invited me to share in this wonderful network of leaders.

Shirley Ramadani, Chicago, IL
I am thankful that America woke up and realized that we needed a real change and elected Barrack Obama our next President!!!

Dan Mingee, Lake Forest, IL 60045 / USA
I am thankful for my health, my wife and kids, my job and for having people in my life who give me love, support and encouragement. Also, thankful for living in a free country that provides unlimited opportunity for people who are willing to try, never give up and work hard.

Norma, Buffalo Grove, IL
My health and family.

Christopher, Worcester, MA
My Wife and son, my stepdaughter and her daughter (my granddaughter). My In-Laws. My Mother is doing well in absence of my Pop. My brothers and sisters and their families are all do well. In addition to family, my friends and their families are all doing well also. While the news media wants to tell us everyday how terrible things are, I say look around and see how wonderful things are. We have our health, families and friends. So many blessings to be thankful for.

Christine, NY, NY USA
Life, family, friends, optimistic attitude. I recently went on a business trip and got E. coli "157" - the worst and most fatal. My 3 day business trip turned into 20 days in the hospital including 8 days in ICU. I survived. I will have a full recovery. I am thankful for and apprecaite life in an entirely new way. I'm thankful for the support of my family and friends - the strength they gave me. And I'm thankful for my "painfully optimistic" attitude I have.

Pammy B., Michigan
That God is Love. For the kingdom of God. That Jesus said, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also". Matthew 6:19-21 Thanking the Lord for an "Eternal Perspective". Blessings, PCB



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