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  Home > eLearning > Getting CEU Credit

Getting CEU Credit

You're taking the time to learn. Why not get credit for it? We offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for qualified e-learning offerings.

How to get CEU credit for conflict management, leadership, and project management e-learningHow CEU's Are Calculated

Our traditional CEUs are calculated according to the standard laid out by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). We estimate the number of hours an average learner will take to complete the course and then convert it to CEUs by dividing it by 10. A three-hour e-learning course therefore qualifies for .3 CEUs.

How to Earn the CEUs

To receive a certificate and CEU from the Institute for your e-learning course, you are required to send an e-mail to CEUAdmin@i-leadonline.com.

You will be e-mailed a brief test that you can print out, take, and return to us to verify your knowledge of the material. In addition, you will need to e-mail or fax the results of the exercises from the Participant Guide and/or assignments (where applicable).

Once we verify your submission, you will be e-mailed a certificate that includes a reference to the number of CEUs.


The Institute's eLearning offerings can supplement your staff development plan by providing lower cost learning options, available when you are. Please contact us if you have any follow-up questions.











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