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  HomeWorld of Thanks Responses

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"What are you thankful for?"

Brad, Wisconsin
I am thankful for a gracious God who is ALWAYS with us and will provide for all our NEEDS.

Charles Gill, Chicago, IL
I thank JESUS for being alive and healthy with a good job. I thank HIM for blessing me with a wife of 17 Years, a wonderful son in college and my MOM who is still here with me. Everything else is gravy after these things. I just want the LORD to bless my sisters, brothers, friends, associates, the Leaders at HCSC, and president Obama and his family. I am thankful for all my experiences (good and bad) that shaped me into the person I am. I thank you Andy, for this forum and the leadership you share.

Cheri, Columbus, Ohio
This year, I have been most thankful for the internet because I have been able to participate in so many webcasts for training and development. (Andy's are especially good!) Being able to take advantage of these tools, especially when I can do it at my leisure, has been a boon to my development. Oh yeah, I'm also thankful for my family, friends, health, and job, but that should go without saying.

Jay, San Ramon, CA
I am thankful that I can still dance. I do performance dance with a variety of groups and am currently in a show that has singing, theater, stories and of course, dancing.

Jim, Wauconda, IL
I'm thankful to have a warm home and a loving wife and family. I'm thankful to be able to spend quality time with my family and friends. I'm thankful to the men and women who sacrifice so much to protect our nation.

Michael, Madison, OH/USA
I am thankful for Jesus Christ first and foremost who suffered and died for me and took my place on the cross ..I will forever be thankful to God for sending his son Jesus Christ and I am in awe that he has washed away my sins. I have put my entire trust and hope in Jesus alone by faith and He guides me each and every day...He has given me a peace that transcends all understanding. Because I am a sinner and fall short in relationship to the law (10 commandments, I deserve death and eternal separation from God.. but God is merciful and faithful and when Christ entered my life... each and every day I am blessed... I have vowed to live to glorify Him in all things and trust in His perfect plan for me and my family, despite any and all circumstances that may come our way! I stand in awe and humility and often in tears each and every day and will continue to trust.. day by day... I continue to look for His perfect plan for my life as I look to Him each and every day..

Doug Hastings, Chicago, IL
I am continually reminded of how thankful I am for the goodness and blessing of God in my life. My faith sustains me each day as I face situations that are far beyond my pay grade (to quote a famous person!) God's promise in the Bible that says "I will never leave you or forsake you" is a phenomenal promise and an inspiration of hope as I tackle the challenges of each day.

Vinoo Tahim, Bufflao Grove, IL, USA
I am Thankful for having good health food and shelter for my family and parents. Thankful to have a job in this economy. Thanks for peace on my part of earth I live in.

Alan Earnshaw, Allentown, PA, USA
My wife and children, our good health, the prosperity we've been blessed with, the rights and freedoms we enjoy, our faith, and our hope and expectation that the best truly is yet to come.

Joel Wissmueller, Wausau, WI
I am thankful for all the blessings I have recieved from the Lord in both my work life and my family (social) life. I am thankful for the opportunity to share what I have learned and what I have received with those around me. I am thankful for my health. This is a short list from my long list of things I am thankful for Every day, not just this week or one day of the year. Thanks for letting me share.

Grant, Lincolnshire, IL
I am thankful for President Bush and his administration. They have kept us safe from another attack on our country since 9/11. We will never know how many plots were intercepted and dealt with so that we have been safe and secure in our homes and work places.

Ms. Sally Faucette Carter, New Castle, Pennsylvania
Thankful For It Being As Well As It Is, While I Wait For Better! Praying For You, Just So You Know. I am A Multi-Ethnic, American born human being from planet Earth; A Colon Cancer, Chemo Therapy Survivor; Afflicted with Fibromyalgia / Myofascial pain Syndrome, Accompanied by Chronic Fatigue & Chronic Sinusitis; who had a Sebaceous Cyst removed from my chest 27 December 2005; was physically, sexually & mentally abused during my 14 ½ year marriage; endured the loss of 4 children, joined the USA Air Force Reserves at age 34 (by then single mother of 1 daughter and 2 sons) & completed Basic Training with women half my age.

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