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  HomeWorld of Thanks Responses

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"What are you thankful for?"

Theresa, Chicago, IL
With everything that is going on today, I am thankful for my family, my friends, my job, and my home. I am most greatful to see another day.

Blake Jehle, Houston, TX
The freedom to worship my God. My family. My job. My health. My children got to know and love my dad (their Goompa) before he died. The individual soldiers fighting for my freedom. The soldiers who have died for my freedom.

Brett Thompson, Avon, Indiana
My wife, that God's plan is better than mine and that he is in control and not me, my son Trevor, Cub Scouts, Friends, Our Business, Family, Grace, a purpose, The Bible, understanding and acceptance

Robert Holzer, Bartlett, IL USA
I am Thankful for my beautiful wife, 2 daughters and my large family that I will be spending a lot of time with over the Holidays. I am also very Thankful for the support of my friends and co-workers who continually inspire me to be the best person that I can be. I am thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ and to this Project for allowing me to express why I am THANKFUL.

Donald M. Carius, Morton, IL USA
I am so thankful that when Hurricane Ike went through Houston, Tx, this fall my son and wife were not injured when a large tree fell on top of their house. The house was severely damaged.

Robbie, ISRAEL
I am thankful the my family & myself are in good health. I am thankful that I have a job. I am thankful that I am happy in my job. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, no mortgage and dont own a dime to anyone. I am thankful that so far this year there has been no war in this part of world.

Pierre Nkamdje, Dakar (Senegal)
I am grateful for the good which we made me

Katie Grund, Lake Zurich, IL USA
I'm thankful that God has blessed my husband and I with a healthy baby boy. I'm also thankful that I have a flexible job that allows me to work full-time, yet still be able to get home at early to spend time with my son.

Josephine, Mexico City
I am very thankful for my loved ones. they lighten up my life every single day.

Anne Broederdorf, Lake Forest, IL, US
I'm thankful for my wonderful family, friends, co-workers and everyone's health. I'm also thankful for the wonderful country we live in...

Nancy Scott, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
God is so good and I am thankful that He loves me and for His mercy over me. I can speak from my heart that He is everything to me. I am can truely praise God for His blessings on me and my family.

Ganesh, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
I'm thankful for the excellent family I am born in - and the fact that God gave me excellent genes to be really good at whatever I do. I've been fortunate to work with some really high-performers (including you, Andy while you were at ACNielsen. I was with the Info*Server team), and learn about work and life from them. I've been humbled enough to be able to help some people in distress both at work and in the outside world. I'm thankful for having the opportunity to be a change-agent at different work-places in my own small way, and also benefit a lot from it.

Gary Fields, Indianapolis, IN
Family, Faith, Health and Work. We all need to remember that our work is what we do, not who we are. Knowing who we are, and what we do with that insight, affects our enjoyment of everything else we do. Spend time your family. Find something to believe in. Take care of yourself. That's who you are. Then enjoy what you do.

Mary Anne, Lake Zurich, IL
I am thankful for the love of family and friends and the gift of good health.

Jeri Shadrick, Lake Zurich, Illinois
I am thankful for good health, family and friends.

John, Westboro, MA
Being employed.

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