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  HomeWorld of Thanks Responses

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"What are you thankful for?"

Mary Jo Grebner, Washington, IL
I am thankful for all of my family and that my husband and I will be blessed with our first grandchild in June.

Joe Dunn, Atlanta, Georgia
I am thankful to live a country where I am able to enjoy the freedoms that we're allowed on a daily basis.

Keith Levy, Lake Forest, IL, USA
I am most thankful for my wife and children. Without them my life would be empty! I thank the Lord each and every day for the blessing that is my family.

Braxton, Illinois, USA
I am so thankful to live in a country that allows freedom OF religion (not freedom FROM religion), and to worship at a church that believes in absolute truth and isn't afraid to say so!

David Skiffington, Hawthorn Woods, IL USA
I'm thankful for my family: 2 healthy kids and a beautiful wife! I'm thankful for my home, my career, and most of all my personal relationship with the creator of the universe!

LaTonya, Chicago, IL USA
My family, job (especially during these times), a place to stay, health and staying positive mind.

Steve, Oakbrook, IL
My job allows great work/life balance, which enables me to take care of my family and myself, while still allowing me to be successful at work

Juli, Saginaw, Michigan, USA
I am thanksful for my family-their love and support. I am thankful for the chances I have had in my life, such as college, a career, job opportunities. I am thankful for the community I live in, both at work and at home. I am truly blessed.

Don Bussell, Glen Ellyn, Il, USA
First of all, Great Personal Health, my kids and grandchildren and beyond that a wonderful country that gives me the opportunity to have personal and financial freedom even in a challenging economy. I'm blessed to work every day with the very special people in my business, the people who support our business and the customers and participants to our various services. I wish all people anywhere as many of the blessing I experience. To even have a small part of the blessings I have been given is a special gift. My appreciation of life is totally fulfilled each day I am given by the grace of God.

Ray Krebs, Plainfield, Indiana, USA
Great marriage to a wonderful wife for 48+ years. Great Family: 4 daughters, 10 grandchildren & 2 great grandchildren Reasonably Good Health. Great Church - like another family.

Scott, Lynchburg, VA
I am thankful for the opportunity to serve at a School that honours God. I am also thankful for being a part of the best team that could be combined to start a new program at Liberty...The School of Engineering & Computational Sciences.

Martijn Zelf, Netherlands
I'm thankful for a happy, healthy family. Everything else, and a little luck, makes that possible :)

I am Thankful because Christ loved me and gave me the eternal gift of salvation.He my Lord and saviour.

Charles Jarman, Petoskey, Michigan
I'm thankful that there is a man named Dave Ramsey, who has a program called Financial Peace University, and the Dave Ramsey radio show. I'm thankful my wife and I went through that program and learned how to control our finances. I'm thankful that after having three operations and a lingering illness this year and my wife not having a job since August, we are not totally whigging out. I'm also thankful for having had the opportunity of having met Andy Kaufman at Northern Michigan University and he and his family's friendship through the years. I'm thankful for my wife, our Yorkie puppy, my grandkids, my job, Spring, I'm thankful for freedom in so many ways. I'm thankful that God was crazy enough about me that he sent Jesus at Christmas so we could have a personal relationship. I'm thankful to live in Northern Michigan even as the snowplow goes by the house up the hill. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to give God thanks at Thanksgiving, for all the ways He has blessed me and my family through this year.

Betsy, Lake Zurich, Il
That God has shown me some very incredible miracles. I have 4 who live in my house and I am thankful everyday for my husband and best friend and our fabulous children. Every moment is a gift!

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